General Living Resources
- AI and Assistive Technology
- Legal Resources for Special Needs
- Tips for Disabled Persons to Declutter and Organize their Home
- Disability Accommodation Cost Guides
- Discrimination And Addiction: How To Overcome Prejudice Without Relying On Drugs Or Alcohol
- Internet Safety Guide for Seniors
- Wheelchair and Handicap Ramp Cost Guide
- Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities: What to Do When Emergency Weather Strikes
- Social skills for adolescents and adults with autism
- Managing Sensory Processing Issues At Home
- Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign
- What Life is Like for Parents with a Disability
- Special Needs Checklist: How Disability-Friendly is Your City?
- The 9 Most Hazardous Chemicals for People With Special Needs
- Vocational Training for Adults with Special Needs
- Choose Energy

Finding Employment
Healthcare |
Financial Resources

- Medical Emergencies and Family Finances
- Financial Resources and Discounts for Students with Disabilities
- The Ultimate Resource for Seniors and Their Families
- Disability and Credit Scores
- Disability Resources from the Department of Labor
- Financial Planning for Special Needs
- The Guide to Buying Used Accessible Vehicles
- Securing a Home Mortgage Loan with a Disability
- Disability and Earned Income Tax Credit
- Disability Remodeling - What is the Average Cost to Renovate?
- Disabled Veteran Loans
- Grants for Home Modification: 16 Resources for Homeowners with Disabilities
- Disability Discrimination By a Landlord
- A Guide for Disabled Homebuyers
- Financial Aid for College Students with Disabilities: How to Find and Apply for Scholarships, Loan Forgiveness and Other Tuition Assistance
Guardianship for Adults with Special Needs In North Carolina
- The Guide to Securing Life-long Accommodations for Adult Children with Special Needs
- Nursing Home Abuse Center
- Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD in Florida)
- Find information on adult supported living and employment as well as information on how to most appropriately utilize government funds to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. APD is a federal program, so every state should have some website like this one.